Transparent Network Migration
Network migration using Clear Channel Smart SFPs to transport a PDH or SONET/SDH signal over an Ethernet network, fully transparently.
Available Product Options
- TPoP E1, T1 and T3 Smart SFP – PDH over Packet
- TSoP STM-1/4/16 and OC-3/12/48 Smart SFP – SONET/SDH over Packet
- VCoP T3 Smart SFP
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Channelized Network Migration
Network migration using Channelized SFPs to transport a channelized PDH or SONET/SDH signal over an Ethernet network
Available Product Options
- CPoP T3 Smart SFP – PDH over Packet
- CSoP OC-3 STM-1 Smart SFP – SONET/SDH over Packet
- VCoP OC-3/12 STM-1/4 Smart SFP
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Rate Adaptation
Next-generation switches support 10G and above port speeds while 1G might still be required. The rate adaption portfolio provides a solution to overcome a rate mismatch.
Available Product Options
Smart SFP Management
The Smart SFP device family of products integrates intelligent and innovative system functions into an SFP module. To remotely configure and monitor these functions, several options are available depending on the used Smart SFP type, environment and use-case of the Smart SFP.
Available Product Options
Custom Design Solutions
AimValley is the global leader in Smart SFPs. We have managed to fit a tremendous amount of technology into the physical size and power constraints of a pluggable SFP. Whether you are looking for TDM/SDH/SONET circuit emulation over packet or intelligent OAM devices for Service Assurance, we have the right solutions for your network.
With many years of experience in designing, developing, and manufacturing state-of-the-art Smart SFP solutions, our engineers and support team are exceptionally well-equipped to design any Smart SFP according to your requirements.
Possible Customizations
- Triple Rate Smart SFP - Need a multi-rate electrical SFP?
- SyncE Smart SFP - Using electrical SFPs without breaking the SyncE domain
- Video over Smart SFP - Compression-free video transport over Packet
- Or any other idea that you might have!
We also provide Design Services to NEMs to augment their own product designs.
For example, we provide the design of an interface card, FPGA application, and in many cases the design of the entire product including mechanical housing, power supply, electronics, FPGA code, software and any other connectivity related application.
From product idea to realization. We can step in at any phase of your development cycle. If you are looking for a tailor made solution, contact one of our design engineers.